Besart Elezi

“Not everyone who works hard is rewarded. But! All those who succeed have worked hard!” -Kamogawa Genji
Besart Elezi

Professional anime-connoisseur navigating himself through life.

Birthday Gender Favourite colour Favourite food Pineapple on pizza:
23/04/1997 Male Blue Lasagna Yes No


You can always count on me when you need to hear a bad pun that can brighten up your day!

Funny Story

When I was 15, a homeless person approached me with a crowbar in his hands. He started singing a strange song I have never heard before and held out his hand to me,
signaling that I should help him use the crowbar to open up a metal garbage can so he can feast on whatever is inside. I ran away as fast as I could.


I don't help the homeless.

Besart Elezi